miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2023

Judging others


What it Means, Why We Do it, and How to Do It Less

"How about the times people have made unfair judgment about you?

What does it mean to judge?

The problem with judging people is that we reduce them down to a handful of characteristics – completely ignoring the fact that people are complex, three-dimensional beings with many different sides

Why do we judge?

The root of all judgment comes from one place and one place alone: Ego. When we see someone behaving in a way that we disagree with, we think, “I would never act like that! I’m better than that. I’m more righteous, I’m more hardworking, I’m smarter…” Putting someone else down makes us feel temporarily better about ourselves.

Let’s look at 5 ways to start judging less and loving more:  

1. Remember that everyone’s experience is unique.
2. Listen and learn.
3. Look for the positive.
4. Question yourself.
5. Don’t try to change people.

"Creating a loving, accepting world starts with us."
